import UIKit
class MainViewController: UITabBarController {
var shukebaoVC: ShouKeBao?
override func viewDidLoad() {
shukebaoVC = ShouKeBao()
self.addChildVC(shukebaoVC!, title: "旅游圈", image: "skb2", selectedImage: "skb")
let SB = UIStoryboard.init(name: "FindProductNew", bundle: NSBundle.mainBundle())
let FPVC = SB.instantiateViewControllerWithIdentifier("FindProductNewSB") as! FindProductNew
FPVC.findProductType = FindProductType.FindProductTypeNomal
self.addChildVC(FPVC, title: "找产品", image: "fenlei2", selectedImage: "fenlei")
let liDingDan = NewOrder()
self.addChildVC(liDingDan, title: "理订单", image: "lidingdan", selectedImage: "lidingdan2")
let SSB = UIStoryboard.init(name: "SaleCenterSB", bundle: NSBundle.mainBundle())
let SCVC = SSB.instantiateViewControllerWithIdentifier("SaleCenterControllerSB") as! SaleCenterController
FPVC.findProductType = FindProductType.FindProductTypeNomal
self.addChildVC(SCVC, title: "去赚钱", image: "y赚钱-未选", selectedImage: "y赚钱-选中")
let meVC = NewMe()
self.addChildVC(meVC, title: "我", image: "wo2", selectedImage: "wo")
// Do any additional setup after loading the view.
- parameter controller: 子页面
- parameter title: 子页面标题
- parameter image: 子页面块正常状态图标
- parameter selectedImage: 子页面块选择状态图标
func addChildVC(controller: UIViewController, title: String, image: String, selectedImage: String) {
controller.title = title
controller.tabBarItem.image = UIImage(named: image)
controller.tabBarItem.selectedImage = UIImage(named: selectedImage)
let nav = WMNavigationController(rootViewController: controller)
override func didReceiveMemoryWarning() {
// Dispose of any resources that can be recreated.